In this article we will walk through each tab of the Results area of the product. Please click on each heading below to expand the section.
To access the overall Analytics page, select the graph icon on the left hand side as indicated above.
Post Analytics
These top 2 sections are post analytics. They show you post engagement such as clicks and conversions, as well as the number of posts made.
- Set the date range for the graph display here.
- Here you can set filters for the graph. You can choose to include certain campaigns which have the same tag. You can set channel, network, and more.
- Clicking on an area of the coloured graph will expand the statistics onto the graph on the right hand side.
- This is the expanded graph for the statistic chosen on the left hand side. This defaults to Posts.
Conversion Analysis
This section of the page displays the website conversion results during the time period you would have specified.
The "Conversions" box will detail recent conversions (hits on your website followed from a post on your socials)
The "Conversions Analysis" box gives an insight into which social platforms are generating the most conversion at this point in time.
- Network refers to the social platform
- Channels refers to the nature of how the post was shared
- Tags shows the "tag" associated with the post. For example, form submission is a tag we have created to indicate a post which contains a Gator Form which a reader has submitted
Use the arrow depicted in the top right hand corner of the conversions box to direct you to the Report tab. The Reports content is explained further in the article under 'Reports'
Engagement Metrics
- This is where you can filter your results to specific date requirements, or apply filters such as Campaign Tags, Campaigns, Channel etc.
- Shows the total number of posts set that fit your filters
- Your "Potential Impressions" refers to the number of times that your post has potentially been exposed in someone's socials feeds
- Your "Engagements" number will include any interaction with your posts, including likes, comments and shares
- The "Engagement Rate" is the percentage calculated from the total number of engagements compared to the potential impressions
- In the "Engagement Metrics" box, you are able to select which statistics you would like to see in area 7, including link clicks, post clicks, likes, shares and comments.
- The "Engagement by Network" doughnut chart separates your engagement into categories based on your social accounts
- The "Engagement by Channel" doughnut chart separates your engagement based on Curation, Organic & Advocacy. Please see the Acquisition section of this article for definitions.
This graph depicts a visual comparison between your social posts; taking into account the number of posts made in that time frame and their engagement results. Hovering over each circle will detail these results.
- A small circle = a lower number of posts
- A large circle = a higher number of posts
- A red circle = poor engagement
- A dark green circle = great engagement
The various sizes and colours in between represent the middle ground.
"Top Engaging Posts" will display your 2 top performing posts. This could be across any of your platforms.
"Top Engaging Campaigns" will show you your top performing social campaigns, with the Engagement statistics next to each campaign.
- Clicking on the eye/star icon bring out a pop up results page for that individual post, see "Post Details" image below.
- Clicking on the arrow will take you through to the Reporting section of the platform. More on this under the Reports tab.
- Dependant on your license, this "Follower Generating Tweets" box would display the Tweets that has resulted in a new follower
- Your post information will appear in the top left hand corner
- Your post statistics will be present in the top right hand corner
- Comments on your post will be displayed below your post
Top Expanded Tweets would display the Tweets that have been clicked on to expand the post the most.
Follower Trends
- Set your date range and filters here, as you would for your Acquisition & Engagement pages. You can specify to filter based on "Networks" & "Profile" on this page.
- Here you can view your Total or New Followers (within your time frame) and clicking on either will alter the chart to the right hand-side
- Hovering over each column on the chart will give you the specific statistics
- The "Followers by Network" box will display a doughnut chart comparing your followers by social network
- The purple chart to the right details the amount of times your Twitter handle (for example @gator) has been mentioned in posts
Click Demographics allows you to gain an insight into how your posts are being seen and interacted with.
- Show results based on country, or narrow down to city
- Change the results to filter based on the browser being used, the operating system of the device used and compare the difference between clicks on mobile and desktop.
- Set your date range and apply any filters you might want to narrow down your statistics
- Click on the different post types to change the view in the graph to the right
- Results shown will compare engagement results side by side
Your "Top Engaging Links" will show you a list of your top 5 links that readers have engaged with (using the date range set above)
Your "Top Converting Links" show the top 5 links that resulted in a visit to your website.
This area of the page will show you your "Top Engaging Messages" - referring to the your posts that have generated the most engagement.
This section of the platform is a visual representation of your keyword usage and the results they generated. The more opaque that a word is, the higher the engagement was for a post that contains it. The larger the font size also refers to the amount of usage that word has had.
Any Assignments that are allocated in the Inbox would appear here.
After setting your date range, if there were any assigned messages, you would see the statistics for them here. The statistics would include the number of Assignments opened, Responses, Responses per Assignment and Time to First Response.
Your advocates have access to their own version of the platform, and their usage statistics are visible here.
- Their total User sessions will indicate how many times your advocates have accessed the platform
- The total number of shared posts from your advocates
- The number of times that your advocates' posts have been seen
This graph will display the times and dates that your advocates have been active the most.
- Your top 3 advocates will be ranked based on their number of posts, and in turn the rates of engagement.
- The message that has been shared the most will appear here.
- To generate a new export of data, click here
- Destination refers to where the export will land
- Type means the catagory that you are reporting on
- Frequency is how often you would like it to run
- Time range refers to the time period you are want the information from
- It will also tell you the date that it was last fired
- You are able to turn the export on and off, if for some reason you wold like it paused for a while.

- The first stage of setting up the Export is to set the Type of report you want. i.e Posts, Clicks or Social Profiles
- Now set your time range. You have a large range of options, stretching from yesterday to last year
- The next step is to select the frequency of this export
- Click next to see your further options...

- The screenshot above is representing the format when selecting "Email" as the destination. Your other options are Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, sFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) or FTP (File Trasnfer Protocol). Selecting one of these will change the fields required to action
- Fill in the recipient of the report's name
- Fill in the recipients' email address
- Click Save!
If you experience issues with the above, please contact Support.