My Links are Taking Me to a Broken Page

When testing your campaigns, if the links take you to “Page Not Found” or similar error pages, this could be due to the UTM being too long as a result of the length of the tracking code. You can test to see if this is the case by sending an email with GatorLeads Post Click Tracking disabled, but the tracking still being enabled in the email design. The GatorLeads Post Click Tracking can be found here in the Campaign:



If the links work then you can send a test where the Gator Leads Post Click Tracking is enabled but disable the UTM link tracking within the email, which can be found in these locations in GatorCreator and in the HTML editor, GatorMail.  



If the links worked in this test, this suggests it is both being active that has caused the issue due the tracking’s length.  We recommend that you change the website to allow the tracking data to be longer so it can accommodate both the UTM tracking and GatorLeads Post Click Tracking.