This article will be looking at how to use the Survey Defaults tab.
Outer table properties
1) The width is the width of the template.
2) Border size, how thick you want the border of the outer table to be.
3) Border Colour, what colour you want the outer table to be.
4) Cellspacing is the space between the outside of the cell.
5) Cellpadding is the space inside of the cell.
6) The colour of the background of the outer table.
7) Alignment is where you want it to sit on the page. In this instance the survery will sit in the center of the page.
8) Background Image (URL)
Inner Table Properties
1) Is the width of the Inner table
2) Is the border size of the inner table
3) The border colour is the colour of the background for the inner table
4) Cellspacing is the space between the outside of the cell for the inner table.
5) Cellpadding is the space inside of the cell for the inner table.
6) Is the Inner Table background colour.
7) Is the Aligment (where it's going to sit) within the Inner table.