Did you know that you can automatically add Google Analytics tracking to your Spotler tracked links?
In this article we will show you how to set up some default values so that you can track every click in Google Analytics, as well as Spotler.
Accessing System Defaults
First of all head over to Tools > System Defaults to check out your default values and make sure that the code will be entered as default.
Google Analytics
Head to the 'Tracking Defaults' tab. Here we can see there is a checkbox. Tick it to ensure UTM values are tracked. Then remember to 'Save' before you exit.
Checking your UTM values
Once you have clicked on the pencil icon, you will be taken to 'Tracking Settings'. Here we can see the values that will be sent through to Google Analytics. This allows us to build up a picture of our visitors and where they have come from.
The three most important values are:
utm_source defines the origin of the visitor. Other example might include search engine or another website domain.
utm_medium defines the method of delivery. It is important that this is set to 'email' as it can the be compared to PPC, organic and banners etc.
utm_campaign defines the individual campaign within the medium. This allows you to drill down further and compare campaigns without effecting the stats you can gain from utm_medium.
The other two are considered optional but Spotler still populates them are a default:
utm_term may allow you to compare two subject lines across a split test from the same campaign.
utm_content in this case is set to id. As both utm_content and utm_term are optional these are the ones that you may wish to experiment with depending on what information you want pulled through from Spotler.
Inserting the tracked link
Now when adding a tracked link within GatorMail you will notice that the Google Analytics box is ticked as default. You are also able to click on the pencil here to change the default values for this link specifically.