Smart Forms are a new way to capture data!
Our new application allows you to capture contact details from your web sites. Create an html page that allows an anonymous web user to enter their details, such as their email, company name, optin details and favourite music. This information is reconciled and then written directly into your system as new contact details for further mailings. You can create an iFrame web capture to use as a full screen page or iFrame onto your website. You can also create a smart form that can be embedded onto your website.
Submission Rules allow you more control over your data and marketing efforts .
Create a single web capture that can be used on multiple website pages, applying unique rules and actions to each. And all within a single web capture.
1. You will see an added 'Submit Rules' section. This is the new feature section.
2. To add a new submit rule click the 'New Submit Rule' button.
3. Here you will see any existing rules.
Select whether you wish to determine a Page URL rule, or a Field Data rule.
Page URL Rules
1. Enter the Page URL you wish the rule to apply to.
2. Give the rule a description.
3. Here you can choose to create a rule where it causes a re-direct, add to a campaign, add to a group, or add to an email notification.
You can choose to add multiple rules individually, just make sure to TURN ON the rule so the toggle is green and says on.
Field Data Rule
These Field Data rules are creating rules based off of form fields such as EmailLogIn.
1. Select a field from the dropdown of available fields.
2. Select what data the field should contain. You can use wildcards here.
3. Give the rule a description.
If you have any problems with this new feature or you need guidance in using the feature, please email or call in to our Customer Support Team on
Using Smart Forms in Landing Pages
You can now use Single Script Smart Forms within the Gator Creator Public Landing Pages. Create your form as usual then add it into the Landing Page Editor as shown above.
You can also apply a variety of styling to them via Block Style.
When using Smart Forms in your Landing Pages, it's worth noting that pre-population will be based off of cached information. In other words, it would not pre-populate information from a contact record; instead it will be remembering data entered previous submissions. If you want to use contact record pre-population in forms in your Landing Page, we would recommend instead to use the Web Capture Button option instead.