You can set certain features to be applied to all new events upon creation.
- Select the Manager of the Event.
- Set the default location for the Event.
- Select the Default Payment Type. This can be Online, No Payment, Book No Payment, Payment instructions, and Online/Payment instructions.
- Ticking this box will enable multiple payment types to be used.
- Set the default price.
- If you have a VAT code then set it here.
- Set the default number of places.
- Set the name of the Reminder Email.
- The reminder audience can be one person, all delegates, all waiting bookers, all bookers, all unpaid bookers.
- Set the name of the person responsible for the reminder emails here.
- And their email address.
- Choose a template for the email.
13. Set the reminder email subject line here.
14. Set up any discount codes here for use.
15. These are the validation defaults. Here you can enable single field validation, set a default message and set the colour.