Emails often contain images, graphics and other design elements. When a message is sent in the HTML format they can either be linked or embedded.
A message with embedded images can be viewed off-line and remains intact over time, as images are permanently attached to the body.
Linked images are not part of the message itself. They are usually hosted by the message sender and referenced in the message body via an <IMG> tag pointing to the sender's server, as follows:
<img src="">
Unlike linked images, embedded images are part of the message itself. An embedded image is also referenced in a message body using an <IMG> tag, but also contains an ID, as follows:
<img src="" id="EMBEDIMAGE">
A message with embedded images can be viewed offline and remains intact over time, as images are permanently attached to the body.
Embedding the Image
Firstly, you will need to insert an image into your email design. The Image Manager can be used to upload or insert images into the editor.
Images can not be inserted from your local PC, they must be uploaded into CommuniGator.
- Select the image you want to embed.
- Select the 'Embed Image' icon.
A confirmation message will pop up saying "This image is now embedded".
Please Note: CommuniGator only allows one image to be embedded per email. You can use the code shown in the introduction of this article to embed more than one image, but this is something we DO NOT recommend.
Advantages and Disadvantages of using Embedded Images
- Recipients will see the images instantly in the preview pane of the inbox and do not need to perform any extra action to view the e-mail as intended.
- Recipients working offline or at certain shielded companies will still be able to see the images.
- Spam filters look for embedded images and often give you a higher spam score for embedding images in email.
- Some e-mail clients see the images as attachments. They will not show them in the e-mail, but only as downloadable items which will affect your email layout.
We strongly advise using linked images rather than embedded because:
- The email will be smaller in size.
- Spam score is reduced.
- Email is more likely to be displayed as intended.