What do we want to achieve?
We can write a preference against the contacts that booked onto the event so we can send them further event invites in the future.
Once your event has finished it’s useful to see who attended and who didn’t and send them relative communications.
If a contact hasn’t attended the event then sending them a follow up email with some upcoming events in could encourage them to book onto the future ones even if they missed this one.
If the contact did attend the event then we want to know how they found the event, so by offering them the slides for the event as an incentive there is a higher chance of them filling out a survey.
What is the benefit?
We can set a preference for all contacts that booked onto the event so we can send them future event invites in the future.
We can get feedback from the contact on how they found the event so that we can make improvements for the next event and get a better understanding of what the contacts enjoyed/didn’t enjoy.
For those that didn’t attend the event we can let them know of any upcoming events to further increase uptake in bookings.
The journey:

- The contacts enter the workflow via a GatorMail entry stage
- They move to a wait stage until 1 day after event.
- We use a ‘set contact value’ stage to set a value of ‘T’ against an attribute ‘Event_Conf’ as these contacts have all booked onto an event so this is an easy way to update their preferences so we know they’re interested in events, so we can send further event invitations to them in future.
- We use a ‘store contact value’ to store the AccountManagerEmail attribute data in the workflow for later use (in a notification).
- The contacts are moved to a condition which checks if the contacts attended the event or not.
- If the contact didn’t attend the event then they are sent a campaign (e.g. sorry you couldn’t make it, here’s a list of upcoming events) and then move to an exit stage.
- If the contact did attend the event then they are moved to a campaign which contains a survey (traditional type) asking how they found the event and lets them know if they complete it they will get the event slides, which acts as an incentive to fill the survey out.
- A condition then checks for 7 days if they completed the survey or not.
- If the contact did complete the survey, then they are sent down the positive path and receive a campaign with the event slides. Their Account Manager is sent an email notification (letting them know the contact has completed the survey) and they then move to an exit stage.
- If the contact didn’t complete the survey after 7 days they get resent the campaign with the survey in and then move to another condition that checks for 30 days if the contact has completed the survey or not.
- Again, if the contact does complete the survey within those 30 days they are sent down the positive path and receive a campaign with the event slides. Their Account Manager is sent an email notification (letting them know the contact has completed the survey) and they then move to an exit stage.
- If after the 30 days the contact hasn’t filled in the survey then they move down the negative path to the final exit stage.
If you have any questions about this workflow or any of the workflows in these case studies, please get in contact with your account manager.