An iFrame is a HTML inline frame that you can use to add HTML from another source onto your website or Landing Page.
Although possible, we do not recommend you use iFrames within your Landing Pages.
The primary use of the iFrame is to add a CommuniGator web capture form into your own website.

- This selects whether you want the iFrame to have a border or not.
- You set the width in either percentage (%) or pixels (px) here.
- You set the height in either percentage (%) or pixels (px) here.
- You can either insert the iFrame here or cancel what you have done.
Email Marketing - Version 7 - Google Chrome

As can be seen here, the iFrame has been added to the HTML with the source being the iFrame placeholder provided by CommuniGator.
The basic syntax of the iFrame is <iframe></iframe>, with all the extra pieces inserted into the first tag.
- This is the important part, the source for the iFrame. Here you insert the link you want to add (most likely the Web Capture form link, which can be found under the details tab on the web capture). Please ensure that you surround the link with " ".
- Any other parts are defined here. Most HTML definitions can be inserted here, the editor has inserted the tags for border, height and width. Don't forget that you can trigger height and width using the percentage sign or the denomination 'px'.
Completed iFrame

The iFrame is now complete.
You can copy and paste the HTML code from CommuniGator into your website for form capture purposes.
Please Note: The text shown in the screenshot above is purely a placeholder, it will not appear like this on your website.