How to use Query Strings

Within the product, it is possible to pass static, contact and campaign data to external websites for use with other systems.

This may include the following:

Static - Any value that would need to pass into the external site, such as the campaign name.
Contact - Any contact information such as first name, or contact ID.
Campaign - The campaign code assigned at campaign level. This is handled automatically once set and takes the format of CC=YOURCAMPAIGNCODE within the URL.

For Static Information

Simply add ?CampaignName=Example to the end of your URL.



For Dynamic Contact Data

For contact specific information you would use the name of the system field in the following format:


So, if you wanted to pass a contact’s firstname to the website you would add:{Content/Person/FirstName}

When a contact clicks on the link the URL passed will be as follows:

You can pass multiple values by adding an ampersand ‘&’ between each piece of information. So if you wanted to pass first name, last name and email address you would structure the URL as follows:{Content/Person/FirstName}&lname={Content/Person/LastName}&email={Content/Person/EmailLogin}

Which would result in:

Passing this information does make it visible within the URL. Alternatively, you can pass a contact id, so that any form on the page can use this information in order to pre-populate the form. If passing your CRM contact id you would structure your link as follows:{Content/Person/crmContactId}



Adding a Campaign Code to the URL

Query Strings - Adding Campaign Code to the URL

By adding a campaign code to each campaign, the product will pass this with every link that is clicked within the campaign in the following format; CC=YOURCAMPAIGNCODE.

Within the campaign planner go to the detail tab –> advanced details and add your campaign code in. This will then be passed into your URL.