Images such as company logos, can be inserted into HTML emails.
Please Note: Only flat file images (e.g. gif, bmp, jpeg, png) can be inserted into the body of an email.
Flash movies and files cannot be used in the body of an email for the simple reason that the mail recipients' email client (Outlook, Lotus Notes etc.) does not allow such files.
Emails with such files included in their body will be blocked.
Image Manager Icon

Place your cursor in the email design where you would like your image to go, then select the Image Manager Icon from the top tool bar.
Image Manager Selection
If the image already exists within your Image Manager Library then select it so that a preview appears on the right hand side, then click insert.
Upload a New Image
If the image you wish to insert is not yet in the Image Manager Library then select upload at the top of the Image Manager. Once the pop up appears hit Select to browser for the image on your PC and choose the one you wish to upload. You should go to the folder you'd like to upload into prior to clicking the upload button.