Gator Leads' Insights feature is a powerful and extremely useful addition to the WOW Analytics platform.
Insights is able to show you the companies that have visited your website, displayed in easy-to-use analysis graphs.
Insights can be found within CommuniGator under Reportiing > GatorLeads > (In GatorLeads) Reporting > Insights.
By being able to drill down and gain further and more detailed information on the companies that have been on your website, you can get an accurate reading of the industry, company size and location of companies that are interested in your products or services. From here you can profile your prospects and website visitors, allowing you to create effective targeted marketing campaigns.
Insights also means that you can review which industries, locations, company sizes and traffic sources are the most popular and profitable for you. You can then decide on which ones may need more attention and areas where more awareness could be created, or even where less attention could be focused. This really does allow you to get an excellent idea of your business's ideal prospects and leads, as well as tailoring more specific, appealing pages to them.