To ensure that you are making the most out of GatorLeads, it is important to ensure that the scoring of your website is set up correctly. In a nutshell, you would apply different levels of scoring to the pages on your website, based on which pages indicate a higher intent to purchase. Those scores are then added up against the Lead Record, which tells you if they are a hot/cold lead based on your parameters. This article aims to arm you with the skills to do just that.
Creating a Category is essentially a grouping of pages that hold the same value. For example, you would have a "Blog" category, which would hold all of the blog pages on your website, as they would all hold the same value.
Creating a Page Filter allows you to automatically categorise and score pages that contain the same url sequence. For example, a filter that contains "/blog" would automatically drop those pages into the Blog category and a score of 10. These filters also mean that when new pages are added to the website, as long as they contain the same url sequence, you don't need to manually categorise and score them.
Creating page categories makes it possible to filter your Leads by a Group of pages. You can also run Alerts to track these categories to create Reports, do auto-assigning, and for auto-nurture.
Once you’ve decided which categories you want to use and which pages go into them, here is how to set them up on GatorLeads.
How to create a category
- Admin
- Page Admin
- Categories
Enter the name of your new category, and click Add.
Page filters are used in GatorLeads to automatically search and find any pages that share a fraction of the query string (example "/blog") and drop them into the correct category and apply the correct scoring.
- This is the filter itself. In the example, it is looking for any pages on your website that contain the url "/demo".
- View the categories that this filter is dropping pages into
- Is this filter being Blocked? (ignoring all pages containing this filter)
- The score applied to all pages that contain this filter
- Change the priority of the filter (if a page contains both /demo and /free trial, the priority order decides which filter to look at first when deciding how to score
- Edit and Remove filters here
- Add a new Page Filter
Adding a new Page Filter
- Add in your filter. Example "/blog"
- Select the category to drop it into
- Enter in the score to be applied to all pages containing this filter.
Select 'Admin' -> 'Page Admin' -> 'Page Scores'.
You will see above the Page Score Dashboard.
Here lives all of your pages and their associated scores.
- To start changing page scores find the page URL you wish to edit and select 'Edit'.
This will bring up a new window as shown above.
You will see the Page URL, Page Alias, Page Score, and the category it belongs to.
2. Simply change the score here.
3. If you want to add the page to another category, you can do so here.
4. Then select 'Save Changes'.
You also have the option to edit score and category on mass. This can be done by using a page alias or a URL.
- Enter the Alias or Page URL here.
- Select the media. It could be a page, video, download, etc.
- Select the category to search for.
- Select a website version.
- Choose what score to give the pages.
- Choose what category to put the pages in.
- Update.
What is a site label?
Site Labels allow you to archive all the pages, scores and assigned categories that are currently listed under the Page Scoring section of GatorLeads. You can create a New site Label with a New Heading e.g ‘ New Wordpress site’.
This will clear out any pages that are no longer live and pages with 404 errors. It will return all Live Pages back to a score of 1 Point and wipe any categories they were added to giving you a fresh start.
Please Note: New Page Filters will update your scores and categories automatically when you create a site label.
Adding Site Label
- Expand the Site Label dropdown.
- Enter the name of the label.
- Select the Start Date and Time.
- Click 'Add'.