An ISP (Internet Service Provider) breakdown report is a list of all domains the campaign sent to, with the delivery stats shown per domain.
- Type the name of the campaign you would like to run the report on in the box, or
- Click here to open up the campaign window so that you can select it from your folder tree.
- Run the report.
- Export the results to Excel.
ISP Breakdown Report Results
- Click here to use the filter search option.
- Click here to remove the filter/search you applied.
- Clicking a letter will show you all Email Templates that start with that letter.
- This is the domain that has been sent to.
- This is the number of emails that have been sent.
- This is the number of emails that soft bounced.
- This is the number of emails that soft bounced as a percentage.
- This is the number of emails that hard bounced.
- This is the number of emails that hard bounced as a percentage.
- This is the number of unique contacts that opened the Email.
- This is the number of unique contacts that opened the Email as a percentage.
- This is the number of Landing Page hits from the campaign.
- This is the number of Landing Page hits from the campaign as a percentage.
- This is the number of Web Hits from the campaign.
- This is the number of Web Hits from the campaign as a percentage.
- This is the number of contacts that have unsubscribed.
- This is the number of contacts that have unsubscribed as a percentage.