There are 3 components of an emarketing campaign; the marketing list, the campaign and the campaign activity.
Marketing List - This is the group of contacts that should receive your email. You can build this by using the lookup function or advanced find.
Campaign - The campaign is a holder for each campaign activity (email) that you will send. This is not used by CommuniGator.
Campaign Activity - Once passed into CommuniGator, this will become the email campaign.
Building The Marketing List
1) Navigate to the Marketing area of Dynamics CRM.
2) Select Marketing lists.
3) Create a new marketing list.
4) Name your marketing list- You can select any name but be aware you may wish to reuse this list on multiple campaigns.
5) Select whether the audience of this marketing list will remain static or will be updated dynamically based on an advanced find query.
6) Choose what type of record the marketing list will be aimed at e.g. Contact, Lead or Account.
7) Use a look up to select the marketing list members or click through to 'Manage Members' to use an advanced find to add or remove members.
Manage Members Of The Marketing List
1) In the marketing list members view click 'Manage Members'.
2) Select either a lookup or an Advanced Find to add or remove members.
Using Advanced Find To Add Members To The Marketing List

1) Build a query to select the members of the new marketing list- The example above would select all Contacts in the County of Surrey, who opened the Monthly Newsletter email campaign.
2) Click find to evaluate the results then choose "Add all the members returned by the search to the marketing list", then click "Add to Marketing List".
Create a new Campaign
1) Create a new Campaign- This Campaign will be the campaign which one or more separate email campaigns can be run under.
2) Name the Campaign. This example Campaign will be use to run and manage all monthly newsletters.
Attach The Marketing List To The Campaign

1) Click 'Add Marketing List' from the Campaign.
2) Select the Marketing List you wish to send the email campaign to.
3) Add that Marketing List to the Campaign.
Create A New Campaign Activity

1) Open the navigation for the Campaign.
2) Select Campaign Activities.
3) Add a new campaign activity.
Send The Campaign Over To CommuniGator
1) Enter a name for the Campaign Activity. Note- This will be the name that is shown in CommuniGator as the campaign name.
2) Select the Channel Type- The options are CommuniGator Static, for a static non-reccuring Campaign; CommuniGator Refresh, for a refresh non-reccuring campaign & CommuniGator Follow Up, for a follow up campaign.
3) Select the start and end dates for the email marketing campaign- note these date will dates used in CommuniGator for when to initiate and terminate the email marketing campaign.
4) Confirm the correct Marketing List is attached to the Campaign Activity as this will be the marketing list that is passed into CommuniGator for the email marketing campaign.
Once the campaign activity has been saved with a channel type of 'CommuniGator' it will be sent over to CommuniGator within approximately 5 minutes.
Continuing Set Up in CommuniGator
Once you have set up your Campaign and Audience in CRM login to your Single Sign On ( and go into GatorMail
- Select the Campaigns Tab
- Your Campaign will be at the top of the list ready to set up, click on the set up button

- Select the Type of Campaign you would like to use - Quick Campaign or Campaign
- Select the Campaign Strategy, what data is this campaign for?
- Click 'Use Campaign' to complete the set up
After Set Up you will be taken in to the campaign where you can add the rest of the details, creative and test before initiating.
Results in CRM
Once you start getting opens and clicks for your email activities, these will populate in CRM and become visible. Whether looking at them in Gator or Dynamics you will be able to see how effective your email campaigns are for your marketing efforts.
- In your CRM on the top bar select the drop down option
- Select Marketing
- Select Campaigns to search for the Campaign you would like to see the results of
- You are also able to access overall CommuniGator History and Activity here

- Select the Campaign you would like to view the results of
- Select the Campaign Activity you would like to view the results of (this will be the Individual Campaign within CommuniGator)
- Here you can see the overall statistics for this Campaign Activity
- Here you can name of the Campaign Activity
- The date and time this Campaign was sent
- The action type such as email sent, clicked
- This is the subject line of the Campaign in CommuniGator
- History (Campaign Sent)
- Contact history or action is against
As stated above in step 6. you can click on the 'History' which will then take you into a more in depth version of the results including a URL to view the creative email