When initiating a campaign, you may come across the error 'Email Contains Test Links'.
This article will show you how you can find and replace these links.
The Error
- On the initiation checks screen, under 'Check Email' details, you will get a red-text error if you have test links in your design. Red-text errors mean you campaign cannot be initiated until they have been resolved.
- This is the error message that will display if you are using test links.
Finding the Test Link
- Click on the HTML tab within the properties bar of the Design.
- Press Ctrl+F and search for "p1=t". This piece of code will indicate which links are test links and are preventing your campaign from sending.
The Link
- The search will highlight links containing this piece of code. These links will need to be removed and re-added before initiating.
Breaking the link
- Highlight the test link in the design of your email
- Break the hyperlink using the 'break hyperlink' button
Re-inserting a live link
- Go to your browser, type in the link you want to lead your customers to and copy the URL.
- Insert the live link in your email using the 'Insert Tracked Links' button.