This guide will introduce you to elements of MSCRM & GatorMail:
- Creating an Advanced Find
- Connecting Advanced Find to GatorMail
- Mapping
Create an Advanced Find
1. Click on the Funnel Icon inside of MSCRM
2. Select Contacts or Leads in the drop down
3. Add the fields that you would like to query. The above example query will find all contacts that have the @ symbol in the email address field. You can refine the query by adding more fields to search on.
4. To pass fields from MSCRM to GatorMail you will need to add them in the Advanced Find.
You do this by clicking on Edit Columns.
5. Click on Add columns (if there are fields that you don’t want in the data sync you can click on the column and remove them).
6. Find the field that you want to add and make sure that the tick is applied.
7. Click Ok when you have all of the fields that you want to add in the data sync.
8. Click Save and then give the view a name, for example “All contacts with an email address”.
You will then need to share the Advanced Find with the Integration User.
9. Click on the Saved Views button
10. Select the view that you just created
11. Click the share button
12. Click on Add User/Team.
13. Search for the Dynamics Integration User
14. Click on the tick icon
15. Press the select button in the records section
16. Click on the Add button
To finalise the process click the share button. The user only needs to have the read privilege given to it.
Advanced Find to GatorMail
Log into your CommuniGator account and access the GatorMail product
1. Click on the Tools Tab
2. Select Data Sync
The DataSync is a tool which enables you to pass the Advanced Find over from MSCRM to GatorMail.
3. To create a Sync click on the Add New button
4. Enter in the name of the Sync
5. If you would like to, you have the ability to add a description. This is not a required field
6. If you would like to, you can click on the Select button to copy an existing Sync
7. If you click on the Create New button, it will then create the Sync
Sync Screen
1. Enter the name for the data sync
2. Select the frequency that you would like the Data Sync to run, the sync will update new contacts that meet the Advanced Find criteria on this frequency
3. Create New - If on the drop down of the schedule you do not find a suitable wait period you have the ability to create your own wait period
4. Add to Group - If this checkbox is ticked the data will be added to a group inside of GatorMail, if unticked the data will just be passed into GatorMail
5. If add to a group is ticked you have the ability to tick the option Remove From Group, which means when a contact is removed from the Advanced Find inside of MSCRM they will be taken out of the group inside of GatorMail
6. Group - Click on the drop down to select the group that you would like the data to pass into, if left blank it will take name of the Sync (Step 1)
7. Select the Data tab
8. Search for and select the Advanced Find you wish to synchronise from Microsoft Dynamics.
9. Click on the Mappings Tab
Add Mappings
Mapping enables you to select the fields that pass over from MSCRM to GatorMail. By bringing over the fields it enables you to personalise your email, apply dynamic content blocks and use the group builder to segment your data
1. Select the Source Field (this is the name of the field inside of MSCRM)
2. Select the GatorMail field
3. Sync Direction- If there are two arrows it means the information will overwrite CRM, if there is one arrow the information will just pass from MSCRM but will not overwrite the information from GatorMail back to MSCRM
4. Click Add Mapping.
Once mapping has been added, for any future syncs they will automatically be added
5. Click on the Save Button
6. Click on the Change State button
7. Click on the drop down and change the Sync State to Enabled, then click Change State
8. Once you click on the close button it will redirect you to the Sync list where you can view the Syncs that have been set up.
If you set up the Sync to pass into a group inside of CommuniGator, you will then attach the group to your campaign inside of the GatorMail Campaign.