This guide explains how to update the SageCRM username and password for the CommuniGator auto login so users can access the GatorMail product within SageCRM. If the CommuniGator password is ever changed this will need to be followed for all users configured with that username.
Note: This can only be actioned by someone with Administrator rights within your CRM system.
Step 1 Log into SageCRM

Step 3 Look for the SageEMarketing_Security property, if it is set to Y then update the property SageEMarketing_Password. Otherwise continue to Step 4.

Step 4 Select the Setup Users Tab, select the user’s record which needs to be updated.

Step 5 Select the change button

Step 6 Update the Password field with the new password and click Save

Once the record is saved, click continue to return to the list of users and repeat Steps 4 to 7 until you have updated each user's record.