This article takes you through creating a tracked mailto link within GatorCreator, allowing you to report on email responses along side your normal website tracking, document links etc.
1. Highlight the required click through text
2. Click insert link/mailto link
3. 'Hyperlink' Tab. This is selected by default.
4. Provide the required mailto: address (Note: on applying mailto: within the link address bar, the properties of the page will change and display a tick under Link Tracking)
Once the link is in place a blue arrow icon will appear next to it. Clicking on this will open the URL in a web page. This is useful for checking if your link is correct.
Note for further tracking:
It is possible to add further code to the mailto: link to provide not only the address but the subject and body text; You are able to include spaces within the body text by adding %20 between each word e.g.:
- inquiry&Body=I%20would%20like%20to%20register%20my%20event%20interest
5. Enter your 'Link Description'.
6. If you have a Lead Score you category to place the page into then choose it here.
7. Provide a Lead Score Value if necessary.
8. Select 'Insert''.
Note for non-tracked links:
The 'MAILTO' tab struck out in the image above and below, can be used but only if you wish to create non-tracked links.