With GatorPopup you have the ability to customise exactly how, where, and when your popup will appear on your page.
This article will give you an overview of what customisations are available to you and how to implement them.
1. To access the 'Triggers' tab, select it from the toolbar as shown.
2. Here you will find the 'Start Conditions'. These determine how you want the popup to first appear.
This can be done on:
- Loading of the page
- When leaving the website
- When the user scrolls a certain % down the page
- After a number of seconds.
3. You can set how often you want the popup to appear. This can be for every page view, or for a certain time period.
4. 'Stop Conditions' determine when the popup should stop appearing. This can be when a certain action is completed, after a number of views, or never.
5. 'Active Period' is simply the date period the popup will appear in.
6. Here you can choose what days of the week for the popup to appear on.
1. To access the 'Targeting' tab, select it from the toolbar as shown above.
2. Here you can set the target page, a specific page for it to appear on, to show on or not be shown on. Above we have set it to "Show On: communigator.co.uk: page/*."
3. Select the URL of the website you want the popup to appear on. The websites which are associated with your Gator Accounts will be shown here to select from.
4. This is where you can enter the URL page path. Shown above is a function known as 'Wildcard', which selects a set of pages to put the popup on. Seen here is a wildard stating to show the popup on all pages with 'page/' in their URL page path.
5. Here you can add more website pages to target.
6. Selecting the bin icon will delete the target page condition.
Please Note: When putting the URL page path in the Target Page, DO NOT put in the full URL. You should only put in the path i.e. /popup/page. You should not put in 'https://www.communigator.co.uk' as this is set in the Traget URL section.
1. Set here whether you want all visitors to that page to see the popup, or only those who meet certain conditions. If you select 'The Following Conditions' the page will expand and show the subsequent options.
2. Set whether you want the popup to appear for returning visitors to that page.
3. This allows you to stop the popup appearing after a certain number of page views by a visitor.
4. If there are browsers you don't want to see the popup appear on, you can set this here.
5. If you don't want the popup to appear on your website when accessed by a certain operating system, then this needs to be set here.
6. Some of your content might not be compatible on devices such as mobiles, iPads, digital notebooks and more. In order to restrict on which device it can appear on, you need to set this here.
7. If you want the popup to appear for referrer visitors, you can set this here. Referrers are visitors who have arrived at the page via another site i.e. a Google search.
8. UTM Visitors are those who have arrived on the page due to a campaign, or from a page with certain UTM values. This can be set here.
UTM values (Urchin Tracking Module) are used in conjunction with a campaign or link. Essentially, it is a snippet of code which is tracked, usually on the end of a URL. These can be used in Analytics Reporting to see how users are engaging with your content.
1. To access the 'Settings' tab, click the icon as shown above.
2. This is where you can edit the name of your popup. This will not be seen by visitors.
3. This is where you can give a description of the popup, particularly useful if multiple people use the popups in your company.