In this article we are going to build a personalised and trackable email design, in both HTML and text
Step One - Create Email
- Create a new email via creative and email.
- Click add new email and select GatorCreator, provide your name followed by newsletter.
- Click create new email.

Step Two - Select Template
- Select the 'Basic Templates' tab
- Select the template as shown below.
3. When asked to run the wizard, select, 'NO, TAKE ME STRAIGHT TO THE CONTENT'

Step Three - Build HTML Email Content
- Select the top container block.
- Remove the View in Web Browser & Forward to a Friend Link.
- Insert the View in Web Browser Link.
- Insert the Forward to a Friend Link.
5. Select the header image as shown.
6. Click 'Select Image' and upload your company logo and insert.
7. Create a link to your home page.
8. Provide a link description of 'Home Page Via Company Logo'.
9. Select the text block as indicated
10. Remove the text 'Enter your headline here... '
11. Select the 'Contacts attributes' drop down menu and select 'Firstname'
12. Select the button of 'Find out more'
13. Add a web address of your choosing.
14. Add a link description.
15. Select the title text as shown and change to download the guide.
16. Highlight the 'download the guide' text and click 'Insert document link'
17. Select one of the documents from the reference folder and click insert.
18. Highlight the title text as shown.
19. Insert a 'Landing Zone' with the reference of 1.
20. Remove and re-Insert the unsubscribe link