Are you receiving the message: Warning: Unsubscribe settings do not match the Send to a Friend settings.?
Initiate Check Screen - Unsubscribe setting do not match Send to a Friend Settings
The Send to a Friend that you have attached to the campaign will have Opt-In and Opt-Out values assigned to it, this message means that they are not the same as those of the Unsubscribe you have attached to the campaign. So when a recipient submits the Send to a Friend, they are automatically being unsubscribed instead of being opted In to mailings. See below for an example.
Always edit the send to a friend to match your Unsubscribe, NOT the other way around.
1) Check your Unsubscribe Values
To check the Unsubscribe values click:
1. Tools
2. Unsubscribe
3. Then on the name of the Unsubscribe you have attached to the campaign.
2) Checking your Send to a Friend Opt-In and Opt-Out Values
To change the Send to a Friend Opt-in and Opt-Out values click:
1. Tools
2. Send to a Friend
3. Then on the name of the Send to a Friend you have attached to the campaign.
2a) Viewing your Send to a Friend Opt-In and Opt-Out values
1. The OptIn field is being used for the Send to a Friend.
2. Currently when a 'Friend' Opts in on mailing their OptIn value is being set to F. However if you look at the Unsubscribe values in section 1a, F is the Opt Out Value. Meaning that as soon as they submit to mailings they are automatically Unsubscribed.
3) Correcting the Send to a Friend Opt-In and Opt-Out Values
You must ensure that you change the Send to a Friend settings. Because if you change the Unsubscribe value you could resubscribe contacts who have already unsubscribed.
To correct the error the Values for the Send to a Friend and Unsubscribe values must match.
1. So in this instance under the Send to a Friend the OptIn value must equal T and the Opt Out value must equal F. This way when the friend submits to receive mailings their OptIn value is set to T, this will then mean they have opted in and should will not be automatically be unsubscribed.
Once you have changed the values hit save and retry to initiate the campaign.