GatorMail - v7.0

The new release of Communigator delivers a complete overhaul of the system interface along with a range of enhancements and new features. An extensive number of customer requests have been incorporated into this major release. We have notified those people directly about their specific requests but the following is a comprehensive list of everything included in the release.

What's New

The following features are some of the highlights of what is new in v7.0:

What's New - Interface

We have re-designed the product interface for this release.  CommuniGator now has the menu at the top and gives you far more screen real-estate.  This release also brings full browser compatibility with Internet Explorer (v7 to v10), Chrome, Safari, Opera and Firefox.

What's New - Audience Tab

The main features needed to manage audience and contacts are now consolidated in a new Audience menu.

What's New - Contacts

The new contact record screen gives you a lot more insights into how your contact has interacted with your communications. You can see their recent activities, recent campaigns, how active someone is, what devices they use, and more.

What's New - Linkedin Integration

You can also now associate a LinkedIn profile with individual contact records to further enhance the information about individuals within your database. This information will then appear as part of the contact record.

What's New - Twitter Integration

It is now possible to tweet a campaign or articles within it directly from within Communigator. The Twitter icon appears next to the Initiate button on each campaign. This will enable you to configure how and when your campaign is tweeted, complete with trackable links. Social interactions via Twitter also show in the new Campaign Report.

What's New - Advanced Inbox Check

Our new Advanced Inbox Checker check with your Account Manager if this is part of your package) now shows how your e-mail will display across a wide range of devices along with a brand new preview function of how your subject line will display in the pop up and list areas of the main e-mail clients. This combined with improved Spam checking means that you will now have a complete picture of how your e-mail will look regardless of how it is viewed and on what device.


What's New - Campaign Results

The new campaign report helps you to gain a greater understanding of the performance of your e-mails. With the ability to see when, where and on what devices your audience are interacting with e-mails in easy to understand graphical representations, you will be able to quickly see patterns and identify potential improvements to your marketing activity. The Campaign Results also contain a range of additional report screens to help you drill down into detail on clicks, browser breakdowns and social activity.

What's New - Lead Score Analysis

Lead Score has helped many clients to qualify and quantify the leads from their marketing campaigns in a variety of ways that the simple old metrics of open and click could never hope to. In v7, you will find a new Lead Score Analysis function that will enable you to better understand how scores have accumulated for your contacts and where necessary, amend them. This means that if the criteria by which you calculate Lead Scores needs to change, you do not have to start afresh.

What's Enhanced

- Groups - Whilst updating this screen we also made it far easier to use.  

- A new layout and rule interface to make using groups far easier.  

- Clever item picker for selecting groups to include or exclude.  You can type in a group name and it will show groups that match the input.  You can use the dropdown to see your recent groups.  Or you can open a popup for the full folder list group select screen.

- We have added date selection options to lead score rules so you can get contacts that are "hot" between dates.

- Activity Reports - Several changes have been made to our activity reports:

- Background Processing - We have changed how the processing of activity reports works by making it in the background instead of on the screen.  This means you can now start a report and come back later to see how it is progressing and if it has completed.  It will also run faster and more reliably as a result!

- View Email - You can now view the email for the campaign within the activity report.  The email preview will even include the campaign results click stats.

- View Campaign - You can click on the campaign name to take you to its results for quicker access back to the main results.

- Analytics - Our analytics reporting has two new options.  You can select to run a report on all campaigns, and choose to run the report over a date range.  This extends the previous maximum of three months to anything you want.

- HTML Editor - We have made some handy tweaks to help build your creative:

- The tooltip of a document is now used as the link alias for the campaign results.

- Initiate Date - A simple but popular request was to add the date of campaign initiation into the select screen.  As this is only appropriate for initiated campaign, we have added a tool-tip to the campaign status icon to show the date.

- Initiate - For that last minute check, the campaign name, and start time has been added to the initiate final confirmation screen.  

- Split Test - You can now control the aliases for each split test.

- Inbox Checker - You can now select to run a text or html check for the inbox checker.  

- Campaign Results - We have enhanced the campaign results by adding the following:

- New Results Screen?

- Contact Record - When viewing who has performed a particular action, you can now quickly access their contact record to see more about the person.  This is especially useful when using our LinkedIn functionality.

- Results - We have added an export for the not opened emails into the campaign results.

- Import CSV - Our import csv has been simplified and prioritized for importing into groups.  Its new look only shows basic import settings, and an advanced details option can be accessed to see the rest.

- Events - We have made several changes to our events functionality:

- Confirmation Aliases - You can now control the event sender alias for your event confirmations separately to the system defaults sender alias.

- Dashboard - We have re-designed the graphs for our events dashboard to show you more useful information about your events.  You can now easily see the event state for things like how many places left, how many bookings, how many payment, and more.

- Multilingual Send to a Friend - We have now provided text change options for the send to a friend parts that were previously hardcoded.  This means your send to a friends can now be setup for any language you want.

- Web Capture - We have added the ability to use your unique identifier for the  matching field in web capture.  This means customers using another field instead of the email address, are no longer forced to de-dupe on the email address.

- SDK - The following methods have been added to our SDK:

- Copy Event - Allows the user to copy an event by providing the existing event id.

- Update Event - Allows the user to update an existing event by providing the existing event id.

- Return All Events - Returns all events from CommuniGator events system (excluding deleted events).  This is best used in conjunction with the UpdateEvent or the CopyEvent methods so you can choose an event to then update or copy.

- Return Event Locations - Returns event location details from the CommuniGator events system.  This is best used in conjunction with the UpdateEvent method so you can choose a location to then use for updating an event.

What's Fixed

The reference numbers on these Fix items relate to customer support tickets.

- [42145:51] - Added a hover over tool tip on the campaign status icon to show the date when a campaign has been initiated.

- [37034,37405,42021:488] - Added the ability to take the tool tip of a document link to be saved as the alias for the link.  Note: this is done by the code looking for an attribute called "Title" amongst the link and assigns the tooltip to the alias field in the system.

- [42758:634] - Added a not opened export download to the campaign results.

- [42096:731] - Added the ability to control the event sender email address and alias separately to campaign defaults.

- [29489:1080] - Updated the invalid login count to reset to 0 upon successful login.

- [43140:1232] - Rounded corners on event templates now change colour correctly.

- [33304:1287] - Added the campaign name and start time to the initiate final confirmation screen for that last minute sanity check.

- [37497,35442,35630,36012,40190:1371] - The spell checker caching the results of the last spell check into the second spell check when multiple emails were checked within the same login session.

- [35938,40642,42212:1407] - Added the ability to control the email alias for split test campaigns against each split.

- [38735:1519] - Campaign web link results that contain an umlaut in URL name now display contacts in web click csv export / exporting to group properly.

- [38777:1525] - Prevented the process button for the import csv from being clicked multiple times in quick succession which caused multiple imports of the same file.

- [39814:1569] - Contact specific emails or landing zones where the contact is no longer in the system will now load, but no personalisation will be displayed.

- [40481:1608] - When adding an event booking if the booker (first person to enter their email address) already exists as an attendee, the error message is suppressed and they are free to add more attendees.  If the booker attempts to confirm the booking without adding any attendees, it is assumed that they are attempting to add themselves as an attendee again and an error is displayed.

- [38802:1623] - The survey integration data feed will no longer continue sending back survey activity when the feed is disabled.

- [41364,41219:1625] - Lead Score reporting does not show an error now when searching any category and all aliases.  

- [40918:1629] - Added a folder selection to the group setup when choosing for other groups to add as inclusion or exclusion groups.  

- [41351:1639] - Corrected a spelling mistake in the events detail screen.

- [40924:1641] - The initiate check screen no longer says that the text email was untracked for document links (that were tracked).

- [41434:1643] - Column names and alignments for the campaign activity report on screen result now match the exported result.

- [41435:1644] - Column names and alignments for the survey activity report on screen result now match the exported result.

- [41436:1645] - Click to open rate percentages on the activity reports now display correctly.

- [41527:1647] - Hosted sessions are no longer lost for the secure /login site when using the insert template functionality.

- [41568:1649] - Hosted sessions are no longer lost for the secure /login site when using the copy campaign functionality.

- [41474:1650] - Updated the descriptive text for split tests that use an auto send later.  

- [41542:1651] - Added the ability to send the text or html version to the Inbox Checker.

- [41595,43709,45385:1653] - The web capture submit button no longer gets stuck in a disabled state when the form validation protects repeat submissions, but the initial submission had bad data.

- [41729:1656] - Altered the GetResultsDS SDK method so that if the framework key that monitors its last run doesnt exist, it will always get all results for the campaign.  This is in keeping with the rest of the last run style methods.

- [41857:1657] - Solved the issue preventing the web capture redirect on submit from being removed.

- [41752:1663] - Added the ability to use your unique identifier for the  matching field in web capture.  This means customers using another field instead of the email address, are no longer forced to de-dupe on the email address.

- [41821:1665] - Failed to send emails are now retrieved by the DataExtractor SDK app.

- [41849:1666] - The HTML upload no longer errors where the image folder would be created before checking if the zip file is valid.  Thus if it was invalid, the image folder was still created.

- [42094:1670] - Event bookings no longer have two "Book Here" options.  

- [42127:1681] - Prevented the DataExtractor SDK app from retrieving test results data.  

- [42502:1682] - The default return key position in the campaign advanced details is no longer on the copy functionality

- [42532:1683] - Fixed an issue with the contact export failing when no search had been performed.  

- [42586:1684] - Prevented the base contact fields from being deleted.

- [42459:1691] - Custom links in dynamic content now work even if the same custom link is not in the email itself.

- [42661:1693] - The percentage column on the ISP breakdown report now displays correctly

- [42678:1694] - You can now move dynamic content conditions up and down within the dynamic content blocks without issue.

- [42816:1695] - Dynamic content now works if there is only one condition with multiple rules.

- [42869:1696] - Copying dynamic content emails no longer results in two emails linked to the same dynamic content blocks.  The copy is now unique.

- [42871:1697] - Previewing emails containing dynamic content with images now works correctly.

- [42870:1698] - Copying article emails used to create two emails linked to the same article blocks.  The copy is now unique.

- [43145:1709] - Cancelled events no longer show in the total bookings column.  

- [43025:1711] - The analytics graph now shows data correctly if a period of less than 24 hours is selected.

- [43119:1712] - Audience select on the send test will now search within the audience.

- [43166:1713] - Bounce manager now correctly inserts the bounce count update into the integration queue if the field was mapped.

- [43281,43284:1720] - HTML upload now works if a __MACOSX folder was within the zip file.  This folder is now ignored.  

- [43912:1724] - Updating the scheduled notification recipient email addresses now works correctly.

- [43392:1725] - Landing zones on article blocks now show in the campaign results.

- [40695:1726] - Company logo has been re-added to the system defaults for use with the events system.

- [43568:1730] - Created a SDK compatible stored procedure to extract the successfully sent contacts for a specific campaign.  

- [43587:1734] - Resolved an issue viewing the survey responses from the activity report survey reports.

- [43331:1735] - The SDK method RetrieveSpiritData now processes https links properly.

- [43731:1740] - Fixed an issue with the auto track links not working for html uploads via a url.  

- [43832:1741] - Redesigned the way groups are added into the inclusion or exclusion for another group to make it much simpler to use.

- [44156:1756] - Google Tracking works correctly for URL encoding the email name, subject line, and business object field.

- [43679:1758] - Added the properties toolbar to the mini editor when managing dynamic content in the email.

- [44234:1771] - Send to a friend CSS files now save properly.

- [44282:1776] - Building groups with campaign click activity rules no longer includes test clickers in the group audience.  

- [44868:1784] - Building groups on article hits now counts the clickers in the group audience.

- [44703:1789] - Links for automatic tracked link creation now work on the HTML upload.

- [44650:1790] - Importing a csv no longer creates duplicate contacts if the import matching field contained different case sensitivity, but in essence the same data.

- [44671:1791] - Apostrophes are now handled correctly when exporting web capture results from a campaign.

- [45168:1805] - Inserting any web capture submission data into the integration queue now works if the field was originally NULL.

- [45455:1702] - Fixed an issue adding scripts into the system due to caching of the first script when a second attempt was made in the same session.

- [36342:1441] - Updated the survey results csv export to order the columns as per the question order, and not the date created order.

- [40692:1597] - Changed the file manager image viewer to use thumbnails for the images instead of just a named list.  

- [45485:1811] - Comma separated, multi-selection answers are no longer included in a contact field when a survey is used as an unsubscribe.

- [45642:1813] - Fixed an issue with the non-chosen split test data not showing in the analytics report when drilling down into the initial results.  

- [internal:19] - Attaching multiple emails onto a campaign now works, where the "Is Default" option could be enabled for more than one.

- [internal:79] - Default JavaScript is no longer added to new landing zones when the functionality for the scripting was not added.

- [internal:279] - Added a new option for SDK trigger campaign results to control if duplicate submissions for the same contact on the same campaign is accepted.

- [internal:332] - HTML uploads from a zip file where the email content had Chinese characters now works correctly.

- [internal:496] - HTTPS referenced images on survey templates now show correctly.

- [internal:701] - We have provided text change options for the Send to a friend parts that were previously hardcoded.

- [internal:702] - Web capture export now shows choices for new contacts.  

- [internal:799] - Added the ability to apply Google Analytics on HTML Upload when opting to track the links.

- [internal:863] - Fixed an issue with campaigns coming over from SalesLogix having their close date overridden by the campaign defaults rather than the SalesLogix close dates.

- [internal:1185] - Added date controls to group lead score rules so you can get contacts that are "hot" between dates

- [internal:1498] - The setup of a scheduled notification "closing" back to the scheduled notification select screen when you came from the activity report screen.

- [internal:1555] - Fixed an issue with the integration for customers mapping picklist, status and lookup fields.

- [internal:1567] - Prevented the inbox checker from using the CC and BCC fields when it runs.  

- [internal:1620] - Modified the JavaScript tracking handler used for post click tracking, to check whether post click tracking is disabled, if so the cookies created are deleted from the users machine.

- [internal:1621] - Surveys with autofill data and multiple answers now work with summary approval.

- [internal:1626] - Web Captures are no longer included when searching for landing zones.

- [internal:1633] - We have updated the processing of our activity reports to run in the background instead of on screen.  This means you can now start a report and come back later to see how it is progressing and if it has completed.

- [internal:1654] - The visual issues on the initiate check screen where there was a text and image overlap, and a square box around the pencil icon have been fixed.

- [internal:1658] - Emails over 144k lines are no longer accepted by the product.  This is a protection to your delivery and performance of the application where excessive email sizes could be saved and then sent.

- [internal:1689] - Fixed an issue when creating a new activity report and pressing the return key after giving it a name.

- [internal:1692] - We have added percentages to the split test results in keeping with where the main results shows percentages.

- [internal:1732] - Merge field replacements in the event delegate confirmation now work correctly.

- [internal:1753] - Unsubscribes using a case sensitive match on the optout field value now work.

- [internal:1040] - Updated the Salesforce integration to allow update of the username, password and security token from the product interface instead of just back end configuration.