What's Fixed:
CG-6245 - Smart form set field value rendering issue
CG-6257 - Add unique smart form class to <form> class list for better GTM identification
CG-6222 - Scrollbar issue when LHM collapsed and hovered
CG-6298 - NetSuite integration updated so you can now map to NetSuite's custom segments fields
CG-6296 - NetSuite integration updated so you can now map to the same custom field that applies to the contact and customer.
CG-6062 - Include in single script checkbox needs to be clearer
CG-6272 - GoToWebinar Integration - Blue Screen
CG-6237 - Deliverability Graphs top bar hidden
CG-6212 - Landing Page URL dropdown changes not saving
CG-6269 - Headline stats in Dynamics has not been populated with the Campaign Statistic data feed
CG-6276 - API Issue fixed for ReturnWebHits not including MailTo links.
CG-6213 - Referrer Policy Header Default Change for Chrome
CG-6294 - Group Builder - Campaign Rule > Unsubscribe date - ignoring user-inputted date range
CG-6254 - Save and Initiate campaign buttons do not appear in IE11
CG-6297 - Improved the performance for DataSync mappings.
CG-6209 - SalesLead is being created in Workbooks but Web Form Submission Online Activities is not coming through
CG-6288 - SalesForce mapped field not coming over via datasync
CG-6244 - Salesforce CRM results displaying "Landing zone hit" for web hits and downloads
CG-6238 - Event confirmation email tracked links not working
CG-6236 - Error when exporting UTM ANALYSIS for Smart Form
CG-6215 - Campaign calendar does not display correctly in expected view
CG-6265 - Mobile opens and clicks not categorized correctly in campaign results or activity reports
CG-4318 - Date fields not displaying in date format when exported from GatorMail to Excel
CG-6223 - Blank Selection criteria on LZ and survey edit pages results in gator error
CG-6225 - Smart Form conf-opt-in content scrolled out of view
CG-6240 - Fixed lead score analysis erroring with with longer links
CG-5778 - Removed VCAB / GatorDocs from the GatorMail product.
CG-6262 - No Webform Submission Records being Created
CG-6270 - Added SQL to also block "IE6" and "IE 6" for the bot suppression.
CG-6293 - DataSync connector removing contacts from sync group when disabling and sync is running