What's Fixed:
CG-6513 - Refresh non-recurring campaign series list displays 'initiate' button rather than 'results' after initiating
CG-6565 - Time & Day Settings still accessible when 'Time Zone Sending Enabled'
CG-6465 - timeanddate.com URLS reporting as invalid links
CG-6572 - Dynamics Deprecation + On Premise Auth Updates
CG-6520 - Smart form tracking enhancement
CG-6533 - You don't have the required gotowebinar access level
CG-6469 - Lead Creation Process Failure (NetSuite) - Unable to update entityid
CG-6481 - Adding NetSuite System Field 'entityStatus' into avaiable field mappings
CG-6548 - Send page URL back to workbooks for web form submissions
CG-6456 - Update recommendations for GatorAI based on click responses
CG-6464 - Smart form campaign email not sent
CG-6451 - Change SendForensics integration so that all tests are tagged as mode=test, and add a test on the initiate that is tagged as a mode=live
CG-6552 - Issue with Split test initiation screen audience count
CG-6495 - Subject line doubles when copying and pasting content
CG-6462 - When in confirmation opt in you cannot attach documents to a link as menu is blank
CG-6515 - Link in html uploaded email design converts incorrectly
CG-6581 - Extremely slow and unresponsive instances
CG-6521 - Datasync NetSuite Concurrency Issues
CG-6560 - Shebang in url forcing tracking to be displayed in the middle of the url and breaking it
CG-6526 - Online activity times in Workbooks showing 1 hour behind
CG-6567 - Checkbox label class not being added to smart for when rendering.
CG-6528 - Smart Form text block newlines are not showing up in rendered HTML
CG-6516 - Creating group of contacts who clicked through to link-Error
CG-6529 - Not able to pause a live campaign when the name contains an apostrophe.
CG-6549 - Issue with results Url loading completed survey results outside of the platform
CG-6479 - Traditional Survey - Summary Issue
CG-6538 - Smart Forms- grammar mistake
CG-6475 - Lead creation failing in Dynamics CRM