What's Enhanced
- Campaign Results - Changed the logic on the campaign results for hard and soft bounces. Hard bounces now only count contacts that immediately became undeliverable. Soft bounces are ones that increment the contacts bounceCount value. If a contact gets their 5th soft bounce they also become undeliverable. We also changed contacts to retain their bounceCount when they become undeliverable. From now on the bounceCount automatically resets when they become deliverable again via any means.
- Web Capture HTML Form - Added functionality in Form Capture to dynamically load the confirmed opt-in statement.
- SDK - Created a new SDK method to upload a new contact and trigger the confirmation opt-in immediately.
- UploadContactTriggerConfirmationOptIn
What's Fixed
- [15482-Z7V2:3992] - Fixed an issue with the new form capture not allowing you to select an existing group, or add contacts to a new group.
- [15987-Z9K5:4008] - Fixed an issue deleting RSS feeds.
- [15991-T0T6:4009] - Fixed an issue uploading dates into contact fields that used a DD/MM/YYYY format.
- [16165-Z5G9:4013] - Fixed an issue with the campaign initiate not handling apostrophes in the name of the email.
- [16465-Y9X6:4033] - Fixed an issue in web captures where field validation only applied if the field was also set to mandatory. The mandatory requirement is no longer required for validation to work.
- [16351-W2T7:4041] - Added a new SDK method called "UploadContactTriggerConfirmationOptIn" to upload a new contact and trigger the confirmation opt-in immediately.
- [16217-S4J0:4055] - Fixed an issue with the available campaigns for web capture "send a campaign" option to now include initiated campaigns that have time and day settings, where those settings were currently saying the campaign isnt in an active window.
- [17373-H7C4:4062] - Fixed an issue with test clicks on the confirmation opt-in showing on the creative tab for campaign results.
- [18237-M3R9:4102] - Fixed an issue adding a new category to the events system.
- [18589-S4L2:4115] - Fixed an issue with the domain used in document links not obeying the campaigns selected landing zone url.
- [Internal:3800] - Updated the campaign dropdowns in the Salesforce integration screen to the newer style introduced elsewhere in the product.
- [Internal:3936] - Fixed an issue with creating or editing emails in GatorCreator not returning the user back to the folder they were in within GatorMail.
- [Internal:4027] - Fixed an issue being unable to select a group when trying to feed new web capture form users in to existing group.
- [Internal:4037] - Added visibility of failed to send trigger emails in the campaign results when contacts are either undeliverable or unsubscribed.
- [Internal:4044] - Fixed an issue with attaching emails as event reminders that did not have any tracked links, but were picking up the new bot detection html.
- [Internal:4049] - Changed contacts to retain their bounceCount when they become undeliverable. From now on the bounceCount automatically resets when they become deliverable again via any means.
- [Internal:4050] - Changed the logic for the campaign results for hard and soft bounces. Hard bounces now only count contacts that immediately became undeliverable. Soft bounces are ones that increment the contacts bounceCount value. Note if a contact gets their 5th soft bounce they also become undeliverable.
- [Internal:4052] - Shortened the gator_td query string names passed to tracked web links, to help get around some word press sites that have length issues for the URL.
- [Internal:4056] - Added a new system field for a contact called "ContactSource" to be used later on.
- [Internal:4067] - Changed the default schedule for new DataSyncs to every day instead of every hour.
- [Internal:4069] - Fixed an issue in the campaign results with the start date and initiated date sometimes not displaying true to what they were.
- [Internal:4078] - Added image upload limitations for the image and html upload to prevent image files larger than 1MB. This is inline with the limit when manually uploading an image via the html editor.
- [Internal:4088] - Fixed a bug in embedded forms where a new group would not be created (on submission of the form) if the name of the new group to be created changed. This feature has now changed so that new groups can be created directly in the embedded form setup screen and associated with the form, instead of being created on form submission.
- [Internal:4093] - Added functionality in Form Capture to dynamically load the confirmed opt-in statement.