GatorMail - v7.1.13 - March 2017

This version only supports the latest GatorLayout.

What's New:

Live Campaigns - We have added a new Live Campaign screen that shows all active campaigns in the system. A live campaign is one that has been initiated and has not finished, and is therefore able to send more emails if applicable. The Campaigns menu now gives you options to see your live campaigns, all campaigns and the campaign calendar.

What's Enhanced:

Calendar - We have moved Calendar menu into the new Campaigns dropdown. 

SDK - Created two new SDK methods to create and update emails without removing any of the HEAD tags or CSS from the HTML.

                - createEmailNoStrip

                - updateEmailNoStrip

What's Fixed:

[00703-Q5P1:3362] - Added a confirmation dialog when submitting campaign resend requests.

[04955-R7Z9,07532-Z4L0,07649-N6V3:] - Fixed an issue accessing the Creative tab in the campaign results for emails built in GatorCreator.

[05518-P5Z5:3541] - Fixed an issue with applying a CSS file to a web capture form where the whole page would apply the CSS styles, not just the web capture design.

[05573-D4Z2:3544] - Fixed an issue when using the bracket buttons within the audience selection criteria.  It was adding OR's instead.

[06630-P4N5:3576] - Added support for web capture fields with a value greater than 1000 characters.

[06574-R3N6:3577] - Fixed an issue embedding images into an email failing to send a test when attached to a campaign.  This occurred when the image used an HTTPs URL only.

[06654-Z8V8:3581] - Removed the ConfirmedOptIn field from the drop down when setting up unsubscribes.

[06147-J4D8:3582] - We have prevented users from turning off emaillogin validation for event submissions. 

[06875-L4X2:3593] - Fixed an issue with the custom link drop down menu, where it appears blank after you have inserted a custom link and saved it.

[07146-R6J1:3597] - Fixed an issue with the HTML upload not pulling the images correctly from a URL.

[07219-L8V3:3601] - Fixed an issue pasting a new subject line where multiple copies of the paste could appear.

[07156-Z5G7:3604] - Fixed an issue with a followup not sending when an earlier followup on the same campaign was invalid. 

[07105-J8Z5:3612] - Fixed an issue inserting or updating a recaptcha 2.0 where only a placeholder image was inserted into the design, not the actual recaptcha.

[07325-B0W2:3615] - Fixed an issue where saving an email could throw an error if any of the links contained "<a href="http://{Content/CampaignURL}". They should just be "<a href="{Content/CampaignURL}".

[07600-V3V5:3633] - Fixed an issue with the toolbar disappearing when creating a new landing zone and inserting a stored template into it.

[Internal:152] - We have added a new active campaign screen that shows all active campaigns in the system.  An active campaign is one that has been initiated and has not finished, and is therefore able to send more emails if applicable.

[Internal:2981] - Fixed an issue with view in browser links not working for resends on split test campaigns.

[Internal:3642] - Created two new SDK methods to create and update emails without removing any of the HEAD tags or CSS from the HTML.