What's Enhanced:
Confirmation Opt-In:
+ A new icon has been added to the right-hand toolbar allowing the user to add a confirm statement block to the email, landing zone or web capture.
+ Added a confirmed opt in section to the contact screen to show the audit data for the contact COI status.
+ Contact Field - We have added a new contact field to store the most recent campaign they unsubscribed from.
What's Fixed:
[77133,77234,77397,80026,80437:3007] - Resolved an issue where creating thumbnail images in the template editor was causing a timeout in the browser.
[80186,00280-J5C3:3284] - Fixed Issuse where Save And/Or Close buttons don't Work In FireFox after using the Auto Traked Links.
[80497:3303] - Changed the attachment for scheduled notifications to use a filename that is more useful than just being "ScheduledNotification".
[00465-N9L2:3343] - Removed apostrophes from appearing in the survey mandatory message. This will stop any display errors for the mandatory warning.
[00600-V0X3:3354] - Fixed an issue with the export for distinct web hits on split tests. Where the results were reversed for the split tests.
[02226-L9W4:3411] - Added Custom Link functionality to the events Pre-Confirmation block.
[02288-S7B3:3409] - Updated an invalid recaptcha url in the add domain key dialog to point to the correct recaptcha Google page.
[03051-P7V6:3460] - Fixed an issue where updates to a contact record were not pushed into the integration queue if a contact field was updated via an event booking form.
[Internal:3304] - We have now added the ability to record a contacts last unsubscribed Campaign. The name of the unsubscribe will be stored in a new contact field called "MostRecentUnsubscribeCampaign".
[Internal:3358] - Fixed an issue on the campaign initiate screen for split test campaigns. We have removed the selection criteria warning because this is not relevant for split test campaigns.
[Internal:3436] - Event Attended group rules and exports will now include contacts that are marked as "Waiting List".
[Internal:3444] - Excluded survey accessed response records from entering the queue for Dynamics CRM.
[Internal:3447] - The copy functionality now works when copying an existing COI.
[Internal:3449] - Fixed a rare instance where viewing the campaign results clicks would not return any results.
[Internal:3461] - A new icon has been added to the right-hand toolbar allowing the user to add a confirm statement block to the email, landing zone or web capture.
[Internal:3462] - Removed the emoji functionality from campaign followups.
[Internal:3463] - Added a confirmed opt in section to the contact screen to show the audit data for the contact COI status.
[Internal:3468] - Added functionality to copy a GatorCreator email.