v6.9.1 - What's Enhanced
- Campaign Results - We have added a new export option into the campaign results to get a CSV export of all clicks on the campaign.
- Groups - Improved the speed of counting groups when the group has many rules, and many included or excluded groups.
- SDK - We have introduced new methods into our web service:
- ReturnContactRecord - Added a method that allows them to pull through all fields for an particular email address provided.
- AuthenticationCheck - Added a method which verifies passed username and password and returns a connect success message.
- UninitiateCampaign - Added a method to allow you to uninitiate a campaign if it hasn't already started sending.
- ReturnCampaignEmailsSent - Added a method to return the number of emails sent in a campaign.
v6.9.1 - What's Fixed
- [12068,21883,30906,31148,33096,33270,33985,40065:251,782,1164,1280] - Added a new export option into the campaign results to get a CSV export of all clicks on the campaign.
- [13031:274] - Fixed an issue with unicode characters (for example Japanese characters) integrating contact data into the system.
- [14531:413] - Fixed an issue with survey exports for "display users who accessed the survey" not showing all fields.
- [27803:1037] - Added a method called ReturnContactRecord that allows them to pull through all fields for an particular email address provided.
- [29970:1105] - Added a method called AuthenticationCheck which verifies passed username and password and returns a connect success message.
- [30647:1145] - Added a method called UninitiateCampaign to allow you to uninitiate a campaign if it hasn't already started sending.
- [30737:1163] - Added a method called ReturnCampaignEmailsSent to return the number of emails sent in a campaign.
- [33066,33232,33290,33301,33433,33550,33577,33809,33865:1362] - Fixed an issue with the Litmus inbox checker not returning any results for some requests.
- [33539:1261] - Corrected a spelling mistake of "SalseForce" on the general tab of the integration when you are seeing the SalesForce CRM Type.
- [33680:1271] - Fixed an issue with notification Emails not picking up the correct subject line where multiple LZ's attached and signup form on more than one lz.
- [33700:1270] - Fixed an issue with followup type campaigns not appearing in the web capture send campaign functionality.
- [33868:1290] - Fixed an issue with groups and multiple Internet Explorer tabs. For example if you open a group in tab 1, open another in tab 2. In tab 1, make a change and save it. The change saves to the group in tab 2.
- [33943:1300] - Changed the default sort ordering of the ISP breakdown report to automatically order highest first instead of lowest.
- [33966:1307] - Removed the quick campaign compare option in the campaign results from the results URL.
- [34060:1309] - Fixed an issue with the initiate check screen saying that the inbox checker has not been run when it has.
- [34084:1324] - Fixed an issue with the survey results ëNot Accessed Surveyí total not matching the total on downloaded csv files of same results.
- [34154:1264] - Fixed an issue with Activity Reports not handling split tests campaigns when counting the stats.
- [34219:1314] - Added a missing % symbol for the split test percentage in the initiate check screen.
- [34235:1313] - Fixed an error on initiate check screen link editor popup, when the HTML parsing for the a href does not contain any inner text.
- [34302:1315] - Removed the split test functionality for SMS campaigns.
- [34365:1331] - Fixed an issue with MSCRM dates not passing back for sent history in new integration.
- [34368:1325] - Fixed an issue with the deploy to web checkbox state not saving for "display remaining places" on return to the iframe setup. Page load will now pick up the remaining places value from sb and prevent overwrite of data.
- [34413:1329] - Fixed an issue with the "Display Name" when adding new business object fields to a contact not keeping spaces for the event display.
- [34534:1320] - Fixed an issue with bounces not showing within the bounce manager reporting if the campaign has been deleted. Bounces will now show fine.
- [34599:1332] - Fixed an issue with the CSV Import not handling slashes "/" in the heading column.
- [34643:1339] - Prevented follow-up campaigns from allowing any campaign mail type other than a static send. Refresh followups should not have been an option.
- [34663:1342] - Fixed an issue with the integration queue status not showing the bounces count when there are some records in the queue waiting to process back to the crm.
- [34746:1346] - Fixed an issue with custom field in the subject line of a same campaign follow up email not working.
- [34770:1349] - Fixed an issue with SMS messages not pulling through custom link data for non-mail merge customers (not using PowerMTA as the SMTP)
- [34787:1343] - Fixed an issue with weblinks recording open hits every time they were clicked instead of just recording an open once if it wasnt already there.
- [34835:1352] - Changed the unique user open and clicks percentage to run off unique delivered instead of unique sent. Failed to deliver emails should not lower the stats.
- [34964:1356] - Fixed an issue with the Maximiser integration deleting queue items when they fail and therefore history data is lost going back to the CRM.
- [35252:1361] - Fixed a problem with "Does Not Contain Data" use on the audience selection criteria. RunCampaigns didnt send the campaign and exporting the counts failed.
- [Internal:660] - Fixed an issue with saving an event without a confirmation email. If you didnt have any to select, your changes are lost.
- [Internal:1257] - Improved the SQL for how groups get counted in the system by restructing to temp tables instead of one long query. Group counts now return a lot faster when the group has many rules, and many included or excluded groups.
- [Internal:1263] - Prevented groups that already include or exclude other groups, from being visible in the inclusion / exclusion list. This is to stop a group including a group which itself includes a group.
- [Internal:1310] - Fixed an issue in Chrome where groups do not work fully as you cannot see the groups to manage group inclusions / exclusions.
- [Internal:1321] - Fixed an issue with the folders not working within the ISP breakdown report campaign selection.
- [Internal:1322] - Changed the page title for send to a friends to the title of that send to a friend instead of just "sendToAFriend".
- [Internal:1335] - Fixed an issue with the invalid CSS paths for send to a friend.
- [Internal:1359] - Fixed an issue when leads are written into MSCRM and the CRMContactId is updated back in CommuniGator, it is done so without {} and without CRMContactType.
- [Internal:1360] - Altered the API credentials on the integration admin to accept encrypted strings for the domain, username and password.