What's New
CG-6230 - SSO Third Party Credential Management
What's Enhanced:
CG-6278 - Event Enhancement - Excel export needs better UI on select button
CG-6279 - Event Enhancement - Hyperlink to event details from booking management page and vice versa
CG-6280 - Event Enhancement - Confirmations options to be added to top of page
CG-6281 - Event Enhancement - Attaching confirmations subject line disappearing issue
CG-6282 - Event Enhancement - Enable Confirmation Opt In not to be selected by default
CG-6283 - Event Enhancement - Better UI on creating categories
CG-6285 - Event Enhancement - Inserting images into short/long description is difficult to use
CG-6286 - Event Enhancement - Ability to change the field label on the form like smart forms
What's Fixed:
CG-6330 - To review multiple integration store procedures using the instance time zone
CG-6354 - Confirmed Opt In forms - cannot style or hyperlink in text
CG-6337 - Event error when currency value is not set
CG-6308 - Make CRM contact type field mandatory when a csv import is done in an integrated instance
CG-6333 - Campaign series does not show any results
CG-6374 - Add more domains to the business only regex
CG-6085 - Change sync mappings screen to display all existing related connector mappings but greyed out if they are not available in the current source data
CG-6346 - Remove unused script files and reduce size of LHM script
CG-6303 - Salesforce Integration timing out when getting schema
CG-6334 - Smart Form JS API - support ids as strings or throw error
CG-6321 - Preference fields do not automatically populate with default value when used with event booking form
CG-6306 - Basic HTML Form submission error
CG-6300 - Landing Zone Authentication not working
CG-6317 - Unable to create or edit default campaign time and day settings
CG-6295 - Folders not displaying items correctly
CG-6343 - Cannot export contact details from Contacts tab
CG-6328 - Mobile data doesn't display in activity reports.
CG-6290 - InboxCheck & SpamCheck changes to store distinct completed/failed state
CG-6329 - Campaign Calendar results not displaying .