Our monthly product updates always contain exciting new features, or fixes for your issues and gripes! But a lot of updates means a lot of information to relay, and let's face it, most people don't want to read through pages of text.
So here are our Top 3 product updates for May/June which benefit you the most!
1) Smart Forms in Gator Mail
Smart Forms, a new way to capture data!
Our new application allows you to capture contact details from your web sites. Create an html page that allows an anonymous web user to enter their details, such as their email, company name, optin details and favourite music. This information is reconciled and then written directly into your system as new contact details for further mailings. You can create an iFrame web capture to use as a full screen page or iFrame onto your website. You can also create a smart form that can be embedded onto your website.
Submission Rules allow you more control over your data and marketing efforts .
Create a single web capture that can be used on multiple website pages, applying unique rules and actions to each. And all within a single web capture.
2) Campaign Archive
Display a list of your past campaigns by creating a campaign list block in your landing zones!
3) Custom Images in Gator Popup
Now in Gator Popup you will have the ability to add any image to your Popup! And even better, they can be your own custom images!
If you have any questions on these new features or simply need a helping hand, please contact our Customer Support Team on support@communigator.co.uk, or speak to your Account Manager.