Our monthly product updates always contain exciting new features, or fixes for your issues and gripes! But a lot of updates means a lot of information to relay, and let's face it, most people don't want to read through pages of text.
So here are our Top 3 product updates for February which benefit you the most!
1. Improved CSV Import Function!
Import CSV has always been a useful tool, but in our February update we have made it look and feel better to use!
Import CSV's UI has been simplified and modernised so you know exactly what to do in uploading your data.
Now you can drag & drop a file into the screen and it will start uploading!
We have also divided it into 3 sections so it is clearer, and simpler to use.
2. New & Improved Test Centre
Our Test Centre has been upgraded, with our new Link Checker added to help you get your emails out of the door with no problems!
Finding it is even easier too! We have grouped all our test functions together under 'Test Centre'.
We have also added a new notes section for you to track edits or add memos to yourself if you wish to!