For developers that wish to integrate to the Gator marketing platform, the RESTFUL API is available through your SSO (Single Sign On) account using oAuth2. 

The full API details can be found at

oAuth Token and Secret

To retrieve an oauth token you will need to pass an Authorization header to the token endpoint in the following format:

Authorization: Basic [ENCODED_CLIENT+SECRET]

Where [ENCODED_CLIENT+SECRET] is your client id and client secret separated by a colon and Base64 encoded.


Example Request

You will need to replace [SSO_USERNAME] and [SSO_PASSWORD] with your CommuniGator single sign on credentials and [ENCODED_CLIENT+SECRET] with your base64 encoded client id and secret.

This will return an access token in the below format:


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic [ENCODED_CLIENT+SECRET]" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=password&username=[SSO_USERNAME]&password=[SSO_PASSWORD]&scope=openid%20GatorLeadsApi"

Using the Access Token

You can then use this access token to call any of the GatorLeads end points in the API documentation.

To do so, call the desired endpoint and pass along an Authorization header like so:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

GatorLeads: Website tracking integration examples

All website activities for leads identified by GatorLeads can be pulled back through the API endpoints below.

1 Tracked Links: (web site visitor / hits)

1.1 Retrieve a batch of tracked links:

1.2 Retrieve lead and company info for each tracked link where required:

1.3 Mark the tracked links as processed when complete: