Sometimes when sending an email out you notice that there is not as much activity in the results as before. This could be because you emails have bounced or are going into your recipients spam folder.
A common question is why are my emails going to spam?
This article will give you some tests to run in order to find out.
These tests are the first steps in trying to determine why an email is being sent to spam/junk folders. Unfortunately the cause of emails going into SPAM is not always clear due to spam filters not disclosing the rules that govern their behaviour. These tests are a process of elimination to determine which element of an email makes spam filters believe an email is spam.
Copying the Campaign

For testing purposes we recommend copying the campaign. NOTE: do not forget to remove the audience once copied.
1. New Campaign
2. Copy Campaign which is going into spam
3. Add New Campaign

We recommend making yourself the audience for the test campaign using our 'Audience Selection Criteria'.
1. Select audience Tab In Campaign
2. select Audience Selection Criteria
3. Add Criteria
4. Use attribure 'EmailLogin'
5. Use the 'Equal To' operator
6. Click to search for your email address ( NOTE your email must be in the contacts)
7. Click Apply Criteria

With having just you in the audience, you can click the resend button when running the different tests.
1. Select the Resend Tab in the Campaign
2. Use Resend Type 'All Campaign Audience' ( in your copied campaign this will just be you)
3. Click 'Resend Campaign'
1st Test - Checking the content of your email

Your campaign could be going to spam due to the content of your email. The best way to test this is to attach a blank email to your new campaign.
1. Go to 'Creative' - 'Email'
2. Click Add New Email
Blank Email

There should be no content in your email. Attach this new email to your campaign and initiate
Once attached to your copied campaign and initiated if this cammpaign goes into your inbox and not your spam folder this suggests that the reason your email is being spammed is content related.
In this case contact and we can send you over our best practice documents and help guides.
2nd Test - Checking your Subject Line

The reason your campaign could be going into the spam folder is due to the subject line looking like spam. For example 'Win Big Money'
By changing the subject line this could prevent your emails from going to spam
1. Select the Email Tab in the Campaign
2. Click on the Pencil on the attached Email
3. Change the subject Line
4. Click Save and Close
Once these changes have been made, initiate the copied campaign. If this campaign goes into your inbox and not your spam this suggests that the reason your email is going into Spam could be subject line related.
In this case contact and we can send you over our help guides.
3rd Test - Domain/ Dedicated IP - Send to Support

If the two steps above are not the case and your campaign is still going into spam, this means that it could be something to do with your sending domain or IP.
In this case please contact and we can run more advanced tests for you.